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2019 rules and Bylaws Conference
June 24, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm CDT
Hello Team Contacts:
There will be a teleconference on Monday, June 24th at 8pm Eastern to review 3 rule change proposals and 2 by law proposals.
The call will include a round of voting on each issue in the one team, one vote format. Any issue that receives a majority of the
votes of those eligible to vote will be presented at the General Assembly. Any Rule passed at General Assembly by a simple majority will not go in to
effect until the following World Series in 2020. Bylaws passed are effective immediately. A bylaw must pass by a vote of 2/3 of the General Assembly.
The proposals are attached as submitted but a thumbnail title of each is as follows:
Rule number 1: Proposal to change the 4 strike count to 3 strikes.
Rule number 2: Proposal to change the wording for BAT specs.
Rule number 3: Proposal to change fielders and batters from 6 to 7.
Bylaw #1: Proposal to change the time frame for voting from the General Assembly to “during the World Series”.
Bylaw #2: Proposal to change the configuration of the board by deleting the 2nd VP position in year 2021, and splitting the 1st VP and Tournament Director in to two executive level
Positions, with the Tournament Director being appointed by the President and confirmed by the board, effective August 2020.
Join the chat from your smart phone:
First, download the Zoom conference app from the Apple App or Google Play store.
Open the Zoom app.
Locate and press the “Join” button.
Enter the access code: 871 712 914
Press “Join.”
Note: When using your smart phone, either use headphones or locate the “Mute” button when you enter the room.
Additionally, familiarize yourself with the app prior to entering the room.
TO dial in by phone:
Phone: 646.558.8656
Access code: 871 712 914
Access code: 871 712 914
Thank you,
Janet Leonard
Rules and Bylaws Chairperson
2019 Rules and Bylaws proposals:
RULE Proposal #1
Changes 4 strikes to 3. Proposed by Mike McGlashon as was 2018 also.
rule 1: sec 4: art 3:
original wording:
A foul ball which ceases to beep in the proper manner will be called a strike unless it is the fourth strike, in which case the batter will resume with ball and strike count as it was prior to the foul ball, the fourth strike must be a clean miss or a called strike.
proposed change:
A foul ball which ceases to beep in the proper manner will be called a strike unless it is the third strike, in which case the batter will resume with ball and strike count as it was prior to the foul ball, the third strike must be a clean miss or a called strike.
rule 2: sec 8: art 2/3:
(article is misnumbered, skips from art 2 to art 4 in this sec 8);
original wording:
The fourth strike must be a clean miss or a called strike.
proposed change:
The third strike must be a clean miss or a called strike.
rule 2: sec 12: art 2:
original wording:
Article 2…A Strike Out is the result of the batter having four strikes charged against him.
proposed change:
Article 2…A Strike Out is the result of the batter having three strikes charged against him.
rule 2: sec 17: art 2:
original wording:
[a] A batter is not charged with a time at bat when he is replaced before being charged with three strikes or he is replaced after being charged with three strikes and his substitute does not strike out;
proposed change:
[a] A batter is not charged with a time at bat when he is replaced before being charged with two strikes or he is replaced after being charged with two strikes and his substitute does not strike out;
rule 6: sec 1: art 3: original wording:
A foul ball shall be called a strike unless it is the fourth strike. A foul tip shall be ruled a foul ball and called a strike unless it is the fourth strike. The fourth strike must be a clean miss.
proposed change:
A foul ball shall be called a strike unless it is the third strike. A foul tip shall be ruled a foul ball and called a strike unless it is the third strike. The third strike must be a clean miss.
rule 7: sec 2: art 1:
original wording:
Article 1…A strike is charged to the Batter when:
[b] A pitch becomes a foul ball or foul tip when the batter has less than three strikes; or
proposed change:
Article 1…A strike is charged to the Batter when:
[b] A pitch becomes a foul ball or foul tip when the batter has less than two strikes; or
rule 7: sec 2: art 2:
original wording:
Article 2…
In some cases in these rules, the defensive team may be charged with an infraction that results in a no pitch or a “free pitch” to the batter;
this is the equivalent of giving the batter more than four strikes and one pass.
proposed change:
Article 2…
In some cases in these rules, the defensive team may be charged with an infraction that results in a no pitch or a “free pitch” to the batter;
this is the equivalent of giving the batter more than three strikes and one pass.
rule 7: sec 3: art 1:
original wording:
Article 1…
If it is the fourth strike, the umpire shall call “Time” and declare the batter out.
proposed change:
Article 1…
If it is the third strike, the umpire shall call “Time” and declare the batter out.
rule 7: sec 3: art 3:
original wording:
Article 3…
If it is the fourth strike, the umpire shall call “Time” and declare the batter out.
proposed change:
Article 3…
If it is the third strike, the umpire shall call “Time” and declare the batter out.
rule 7: sec 4:
original wording:
Section 4: Batter Is Out As In Above or When:
[b] He accrues four strikes; or
proposed change:
Section 4: Batter Is Out As In Above or When:
[b] He accrues three strikes; or
End of rule proposal number one.
Rule #2 Proposal:
Per Steve Guerra
Change to:
Article 4.
Any bat used at the NBBA World Series, regional/local tournament, or by any NBBA affiliate team shall meet the following specifications:
- Diameter at the thickest part- of the bat 2 3/4″ or less
- Length- 36″ or less
- Weight- 38 ounces or less
Bats that do not meet these specifications are illegal.
Bats currently illegal and not permissible:
DeBeer or Clincher brand or two part construction bats.
There shall be no devices, attachments or wrappings that cause the handle to become flush with the knob.
Devices designed to remain part of the bat, such as batting donuts and wind resistant devices, are legal for warming up only.
It is mandatory that the knobs on aluminum or magnesium bats be securely fastened.
The aluminum or magnesium bats must have a sound deadening material inside.
Aluminum or magnesium bats must have a safety grip of cork, non-slip tape, or composition material.
The grip must extend a minimum of 10″ but not more than 18″ from the handle end of the bat.
Slippery tape or similar material shall be prohibited.
A wooden bat may be roughened or wound with tape or twine not more than 18″ from the handle end of the bat.
No foreign substance may be added to the bat beyond 18″ from the end of the handle.
End of Rule proposal #2
Rule #3 Proposal:
Six to 7 per side proposal from Dan Foppiano and Steve Guerra
Proposed change of the amount of players who play defense and bat from six to seven players.
Proposed Rule change with corrected wording:
Section 1: Positions, Equipment, and Players
Article 1…In Beep Baseball, each of the two teams is permitted seven turns at bat during which it attempts to score runs by having its batters hit the beeping ball into fair territory and reach a buzzing (activated) base before the ball is legally fielded by the defense. The team in the field attempts to end the turn at bat of the opponent by causing three of its batters to be put out. Each of the two teams consists of at least seven batters/fielders throughout the game (except as noted elsewhere in these rules), at least one but no more than two of whom must be designated Captain. The captain and the coach represent the team in all communication with the umpires and other game or tournament officials. The captain’s duties can include: providing the head umpire with the name, shirt number, position, and batting order of each starting player; and informing all players of his team as to special ground rules as announced by the head umpire. Each team must also furnish its own pitchers and catchers on offense and at least one, but not more than two, spotters on defense. It shall be a forfeit if a team cannot provide these support personnel.
Section 6: Fielder, Battery, F1, F2,…, Spotter
Article 1…A Fielder is any one of seven players of a team when it is not at bat (defensive team). There is no specific distinction between outfield and infield positions in beep baseball. The terms “infield” and “outfield” are used in these rules to distinguish between positions 1, 3, 5, and 7; and 2, 4, and 6 respectively, although a team may place the players occupying these positions anywhere on the playing field. The pitcher and catcher are the Battery.
Article 2…In play rulings and discussion, the fielders are referred to as F1, F2, etc. F1 is infielder at first base, F3 is infielder at shortstop, F5 is infielder at third base, F2 is outfielder in right field, F4 and F6 are outfielders in center, F7 is outfielder in left field, P is pitcher (non-fielding position), C is catcher (non-fielding position), and Sp is spotter (also a non-fielding position).
END of rule proposal #3
Bylaw #1 proposal changes the time frame for voting at the World Series rather than specifying
during General Assembly.
“This will set the stage to allow the electronic voting. Allowing members who cannot make it to the World Series in time or at all to still have a voice.” Mike Woodard
Current bylaw;
SECTION C: ELECTIONS The Officers and Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the membership of the NBBA. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall have one (1) ballot for the full-term positions and one (1) ballot, if necessary, for the unexpired term positions. One (1) vote shall be taken, for each member in good standing, for the number of Members-at-Large equal to the number of positions open. The top vote-getters in each category shall be elected to serve in those positions. Terms for Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall commence upon the culmination of elections. The Officers and Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the membership of the NBBA. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall have one (1) ballot for the full term positions and one (1) ballot, if necessary, for the unexpired term positions. One (1) vote shall be taken, for each member in good standing, for the number of Members-at-Large equal to the number of positions open. The top vote-getters in each category shall be elected to serve in those positions. Terms for Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall commence upon the culmination of elections. Anyone with a code of ethics or major bylaw infraction within 1 year is ineligible to run for 3 years if holding a current board of director position, or seeking election to the board. Any previous incident prior to the enactment of this bylaw (July 2018) will not be considered.
Proposed change;
SECTION C: ELECTIONS The Officers and Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall be elected during the World Series of the NBBA. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall have one (1) ballot for the full term positions and one (1) ballot, if necessary, for the unexpired term positions. One (1) vote shall be taken, for each member in good standing, for the number of Members-at-Large equal to the number of positions open. The top vote-getters in each category shall be elected to serve in those positions. Terms for Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall commence upon the culmination of elections. Anyone with a code of ethics or major bylaw infraction within 1 year is ineligible to run for 3 years if holding a current board of director position, or seeking election to the board. Any previous incident prior to the enactment of this bylaw (July 2018) will not be considered.
BYLAW Proposal #2:
2nd VP Eliminated from Board level in 2021 and Tournament Committee Director by appointment, not election reconfiguration, commencing August, 2020.
Currently reads:
The officers of the NBBA shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Change beginning sentence to:
The officers of the NBBA shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and World Series Tournament Director.
Continuation of current bylaw:
Terms of the President, Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary shall be two (2) years commencing at the time of election.
change to:
Remove 2nd VP.
Current bylaw reads:
The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors and shall serve until such time he/she chooses
to resign or a majority of the Board of Directors relieves the Treasurer of his/her position. The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio officer and shall
have a vote on the Board of Directors.
change to:
The Treasurer and World Series Tournament Director shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors and shall serve until such time he/she chooses
to resign or a majority of the Board of Directors relieves the Treasurer, or World Series tournament Director of his/her position. The Treasurer and World Series Tournament Director shall serve as an ex-officio officer and shall have a vote on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
Current bylaw reads:
The officers of the NBBA shall perform the usual functions of the office as described in Robert’s Rules of Order in addition to those set forth in these
Change to:
The officers of the NBBA shall perform the specified responsibilities as set in the policies and procedures of the NBBA and use the framework of Robert’s Rules of Order solely as a guide for success.
Current bylaw reads:
All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the NBBA policies, procedures and bylaws, and utilize Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide for success.
, except where otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
Change to:
All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the NBBA bylaws, policies and procedures and utilize Robert’s Rules of Order solely as a guide for success.
Current bylaw reads:
- President:
The President shall conduct all special and regular meetings of the NBBA, shall serve as chair of the Board of Directors, shall establish all committees
pursuant to the By-Laws, and shall sit as ex-officio member of all but the Nominating Committee, shall be responsible for all employees of the NBBA, and
with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the selection and dismissal of said employees.
- First Vice President:
The First Vice President shall be responsible for the duties of the President in the event that the President is absent or otherwise unable to carry on
the affairs of the NBBA, shall chair the Tournament Committee, and shall be in charge of any equipment purchased by the NBBA and shall be responsible for
the repair, storage and distribution of said equipment as directed by the Board of Directors.
- Second Vice President:
The Second Vice President shall be responsible for the duties of the President in the event that the President and First Vice President are absent or otherwise
unable to carry on the affairs of the NBBA and shall chair the Public Relations Committee.
- Secretary:
The Secretary shall be responsible for the duties of the President in the event that the President, the First Vice President, and the Second Vice President
are absent or otherwise unable to carry on the affairs of the NBBA, shall report and read all minutes of meetings which shall be open for examination to
any member in good standing, shall maintain a roster of Regular Members and Affiliated Team Members for voter certification purposes, shall chair the Membership
Committee, shall reduce to writing all polls taken by mail, phone, and in general to keep the records of the NBBA.
- Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall furnish financial reports to the Board of Directors as prescribed by the Board of Directors and at any meeting thereof, shall be in
charge of all funds of the NBBA including checking accounts and savings accounts, shall chair the Finance and Budget Committee, and shall file, or cause
to be filed, all financial reports required by Federal, state and local governmental entities.
- Head Umpire:
The Head Umpire shall be in charge of umpires for the tournaments; be responsible for putting together the training for the umpires and have a way of improving
the quality of the umpires; work with the host tournament committee to make sure the umpires are ready; serve on the Tournament committee; enforce the
Rules of the NBBA fairly; and be responsible to the President of the NBBA and Board of Directors.
Change to:
The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, World Series Tournament Director duties and responsibilities shall be followed as prescribed in the NBBA Policies and Procedures. The Tournament Director position will commence to be by Presidential appointment, with board approval,
in August, 2020. The abolishment of the board level Second Vice President position will commence at the end of the upcoming 2 year term, in 2021.
END of document