rule Proposals
Proposal #1: the 3 strike count.
Rule 1: Section 4: Article 3:
original wording:
A foul ball which ceases to beep in the proper manner will be called a strike unless it is the fourth strike, in which case the batter will resume with ball and strike count as it was prior to the foul ball, the fourth strike must be a clean miss or a called strike.
proposed change:
A foul ball which ceases to beep in the proper manner will be called a strike unless it is the third strike, in which case the batter will resume with ball and strike count as it was prior to the foul ball, the third strike must be a clean miss or a called strike.
rule 2: sec 8: art 2/3:
(article is mis numbered,
skips from art 2 to art 4 in this sec 8); NOTED
original wording:
The fourth strike must be a clean miss or a called strike.
proposed change:
The third strike must be a clean miss or a called strike.
rule 2: sec 12: art 2:
original wording:
Article 2. A Strike Out is the result of the batter having four strikes charged against him.
proposed change:
Article 2. A Strike Out is the result of the batter having three strikes charged against him.
rule 2: sec 17: art 2:
original wording:
[a] A batter is not charged with a time at bat when he is replaced before being charged with three strikes or he is replaced after being charged with three strikes and his substitute does not strike out;
proposed change:
[a] A batter is not charged with a time at bat when he is replaced before being charged with two strikes or he is replaced after being charged with two strikes and his substitute does not strike out;
rule 6: sec 1: art 3:
original wording:
A foul ball shall be called a strike unless it is the fourth strike. A foul tip shall be ruled a foul ball and called a strike unless it is the fourth strike. The fourth strike must be a clean miss.
proposed change:
A foul ball shall be called a strike unless it is the third strike. A foul tip shall be ruled a foul ball and called a strike unless it is the third strike. The third strike must be a clean miss.
rule 7: sec 2: art 1:
original wording:
Article 1 A strike is charged to the Batter when:
[b] A pitch becomes a foul ball or foul tip when the batter has less than three strikes; or
proposed change:
Article 1 A strike is charged to the Batter when:
[b] A pitch becomes a foul ball or foul tip when the batter has less than two strikes; or
rule 7: sec 2: art 2:
original wording:
Article 2.
In some cases in these rules, the defensive team may be charged with an infraction that results in a no pitch or a “free pitch” to the batter;
this is the equivalent of giving the batter more than four strikes and one pass.
proposed change:
Article 2.
In some cases in these rules, the defensive team may be charged with an infraction that results in a no pitch or a “free pitch” to the batter;
this is the equivalent of giving the batter more than three strikes and one pass.
rule 7: sec 3: art 1:
original wording:
Article 1.
If it is the fourth strike, the umpire shall call “Time” and declare the batter out.
proposed change:
Article 1.
If it is the third strike, the umpire shall call “Time” and declare the batter out.
rule 7: sec 3: art 3:
original wording:
Article 3.
If it is the fourth strike, the umpire shall call “Time” and declare the batter out.
proposed change:
Article 3.
If it is the third strike, the umpire shall call “Time” and declare the batter out.
rule 7: sec 4:
original wording:
Section 4: Batter Is Out As In Above or When:
[b] He accrues four strikes; or
proposed change:
Section 4: Batter Is Out As In Above or When:
[b] He accrues three strikes; or
Proposal #2: The 15 Run Rule
Rule 3, Section 1, Article 5 currently reads:
Article 5…TWELVE RUN RULE: If a team establishes a lead of twelve or more runs at the end of any full inning, the head umpire will inform both teams that the Twelve Run Rule is in effect. At this time, the trailing team will become the batting team and will remain at bat until they tie the score, take the lead or use all of their remaining outs for the game. The outs remaining will be recorded in units of three (1⁄2 innings). If the trailing team should tie the score or take the lead, play will continue to the nearest full unit of three outs when the opposing team will come to bat and complete their half of each inning played until both teams have had an equal number of at bats; at this time the head umpire will check with the official score keeper to determine if the Twelve Run Rule should be revoked or continued in effect. If a team comes to bat under the Twelve Run Rule and fails to tie the score or take the lead after using all of their remaining outs for the game, the game ends.
Change to: The replacement of the existing Twelve Run Rule with a Fifteen Run Mercy Rule at the conclusion of 4 complete innings.
If either team holds a lead of fifteen (15) runs or greater following the completion of 4 complete innings, the game will be called and will be recorded as complete with the score as it stands at that time.
If the Fifteen Run Mercy Rule is adopted, Article 6 will be excluded from the existing rule book.
Article 6…SUBSTITUTION UNDER THE TWELVE RUN RULE differs from substitution under the normal rule. When a substitution occurs under the Twelve Run Rule, the players involved must remain in/out of the game while three outs are recorded from the time of the substitution; or, until the end of the game, whichever comes first. If the Twelve Run Rule is revoked immediately after the substitution, the players involved will remain subject to this rule since it was the rule in effect at the time of the substitution.
By laws
Proposal #1 currently reads:
The President shall conduct all special and regular meetings of the NBBA, shall serve as chair of the Board of Directors, shall establish all committees pursuant to the By-Laws, and shall sit as ex-officio member of all but the Nominating Committee, shall be responsible for all employees of the NBBA, and with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the selection and dismissal of said employees.
Change to:
The President shall conduct all special and regular meetings of the NBBA, shall serve as chair of the Board of Directors, shall establish all committees pursuant to the By-Laws, and shall sit as ex-officio member of all but the Nominating and Ethics and Discipline Committees, shall be responsible for all employees of the NBBA, and with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the selection and dismissal of said employees.
Proposed Number 2:
Currently reads:
Unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Directors, all members of all Standing Committees will serve terms of not more than one (1) year, ending with the last day of the next annual meeting. Policy making committees must meet the criteria set forth in Article V – Section B.
Change to:
Unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Directors, all members of all Standing Committees will serve terms of not more than one (1) year, ending with the last day of the next annual meeting. Policy making committees must meet the criteria set forth in Article V – Section B. The chair of any standing committee must be a current NBBA board member.
Proposal #3 currently reads:
Addition: add the following paragraph at the end of this section.
Ethics and Discipline Committee
The President shall appoint an Ethics and Discipline committee to review submitted ethics violations, and make recommendations for further action to the NBBA board.
The makeup of this committee will conform to the following rules:
- The committee will have a minimum of seven members, all of whom must be current NBBA members in good standing.
- No NBBA officer can serve on this committee.
- A maximum of 3 NBBA directors may serve on this committee.
- There cannot be more than one committee member from any given NBBA team.
Proposal #4:
Currently reads:
ARTICLE XII: Tournament, Tournament Committee
Tournament entry fees shall be dispersed in the following manner:
- One-third of the entry fee to the John Ross Endowment Fund.
- One-third to the NBBA Tournament Fund to be specifically controlled by the Tournament Committee.
- One-third to the NBBA general fund.
All teams must remit the tournament entry fee (the amount for the upcoming year to be determined by the NBBA Tournament Committee and announced at the Awards Ceremony) by the 1st of July of the tournament year to the Secretary of the NBBA.
Proposed change:
ARTICLE XII: Tournament, Tournament Committee
Tournament entry fees shall be dispersed in the following manner,
when financially feasible after the expenses of the current year’s World Series have been paid:
- One-third of the entry fee to the John Ross Endowment Fund.
- Two-thirds to the NBBA Tournament Fund to be specifically controlled by the Tournament Committee.
All teams must remit the tournament entry fee (the amount for the upcoming year to be determined by the NBBA Tournament Committee and announced at the Awards Ceremony) by the 1st of July of the tournament year to the Secretary of the NBBA.
PROPOSAL #5 reads:
Currently reads:
The officers of the NBBA shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Terms of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary shall be two (2) years commencing at the time of election. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors and shall serve until such time he/she chooses to resign or a majority of the Board of Directors relieves the Treasurer of his/her position. The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio officer and shall have a vote on the Board of Directors. The officers of the NBBA shall perform the usual functions of the office as described in Robert’s Rules of Order in addition to those set forth in these By-Laws. All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, except where otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
The Officers and Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the membership of the NBBA. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall have one (1) ballot for the full term positions and one (1) ballot, if necessary, for the unexpired term positions. One (1) vote shall be taken, for each member in good standing, for the number of Members-at-Large equal to the number of positions open. The top vote-getters in each category shall be elected to serve in those positions. Terms for Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall commence upon the culmination of elections.
Proposal #5:
(no more than 3 restriction would appear in the below 2 places)
Change to:
The officers of the NBBA shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Terms of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary shall be two (2) years commencing at the time of election. No more than 3 individuals from any team can sit on the board of directors. This includes the executive board. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors and shall serve until such time he/she chooses to resign or a majority of the Board of Directors relieves the Treasurer of his/her position. The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio officer and shall have a vote on the Board of Directors. The officers of the NBBA shall perform the usual functions of the office as described in Robert’s Rules of Order in addition to those set forth in these By-Laws. All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, except where otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
The Officers and Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the membership of the NBBA. No more than 3 individuals from any team can sit on the board of directors. This includes the executive board. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall have one (1) ballot for the full term positions and one (1) ballot, if necessary, for the unexpired term positions. One (1) vote shall be taken, for each member in good standing, for the number of Members-at-Large equal to the number of positions open. The top vote-getters in each category shall be elected to serve in those positions. Terms for Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall commence upon the culmination of elections.
Currently reads:
The officers of the NBBA shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Terms of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary shall be two (2) years commencing at the time of election. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors and shall serve until such time he/she chooses to resign or a majority of the Board of Directors relieves the Treasurer of his/her position. The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio officer and shall have a vote on the Board of Directors. The officers of the NBBA shall perform the usual functions of the office as described in Robert’s Rules of Order in addition to those set forth in these By-Laws. All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, except where otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
Change to:
The officers of the NBBA shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Terms of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary shall be two (2) years commencing at the time of election. No candidate for an elected Executive Board position (President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary) may run without having served at least one term on the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors and shall serve until such time he/she chooses to resign or a majority of the Board of Directors relieves the Treasurer of his/her position. The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio officer and shall have a vote on the Board of Directors. The officers of the NBBA shall perform the usual functions of the office as described in Robert’s Rules of Order in addition to those set forth in these By-Laws. All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, except where otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
Currently reads:
ARTICLE XII: Tournament , Tournament Committee
The Tournament Committee shall consist of the President, First Vice President, Secretary, the head umpire, one (1) optional representative of the host city, and two (2) members-at-large not from the host city. The latter three members are appointed by the Chair of the Tournament Committee.
The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member.
The two members-at-large can serve as long as the chair desires, as long as the member-at-large is a dues paying member of the NBBA, and attends, in person, at least one regularly scheduled physical meeting of the tournament committee in any consecutive two year period.
Change to:
Article XII:
The Tournament Committee shall consist of the First Vice President (Chair), President, Secretary, Treasurer, Head Umpire & 3 members-at-large. The latter three members are appointed by the Chair of the Tournament Committee.
The 3 members-at-large can serve as long as the chair desires, as long as the members-at-large are dues paying members of the NBBA, and attend, in person, at least one regularly scheduled physical meeting of the tournament committee in any consecutive two year period.
Currently reads:
The Board and all policy making committees must be made up of at least a simple majority of legally blind athletes.
Change to:
The President will be a blind or visually impaired member in good standing. Any Executive member will have served at least one completed 3 year term as a Board of Director. There are no visual restrictions or mandates for eligibility for election to Board of Directors. No team will have more than 3 total members on the Executive and board of Directors.
Currently reads:
The Board of Directors shall consist of:
The current officers of the NBBA
The immediate past President of the NBBA
The Head Umpire
ten (10) Members-at-Large.
The terms of 9 of these Members-at-Large shall be for three (3) year terms. The remaining Member-at-Large position shall be reserved for a 1 year term for a Regional Vice President of the Telephone Pioneers of America and shall be appointed by the Executive Director of the Telephone Pioneers.
Officers of the NBBA may serve as many consecutive terms as they are nominated for and elected to; however, no Director may serve more than two (2) full consecutive terms. (Filling in for an unexpired term does not count.) No member of the Board of Directors shall receive compensation from the NBBA as an officer or Director. Officers and Directors may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the exercise of their duties, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. No employee of the NBBA shall be eligible for election to any office of the NBBA. A vacancy in any office will be filled by the Board of Directors for the intervening time until the next annual meeting; the vacancy shall then be filled by election for the unexpired term of the office. The Board and all policy making committees must be made up of at least a simple majority of legally blind athletes.
Change to:
The Board of Directors shall consist of:
The current executive officers of the NBBA (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary) (via 2 year terms, unlimited)
The Treasurer (by appointment)
The Head Umpire (by appointment)
Ten (10) Members-at-Large
The terms of the 10 Members-at-Large shall be for three (3) year terms.
Officers of the NBBA may serve as many consecutive terms as they are nominated for and elected to; however, no Director may serve more than two (2) full consecutive terms. (Filling in for an unexpired term does not count.) No member of the Board of Directors shall receive compensation from the NBBA as an officer or Director. Officers and Directors may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the exercise of their duties, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. No employee of the NBBA shall be eligible for election to any office of the NBBA. A vacancy in any office will be filled by the Board of Directors for the intervening time until the next annual meeting; the vacancy shall then be filled by election for the unexpired term of the office.
Proposal #10:
Currently reads:
The officers of the NBBA shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Terms of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary shall be two (2) years commencing at the time of election. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors and shall serve until such time he/she chooses to resign or a majority of the Board of Directors relieves the Treasurer of his/her position. The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio officer and shall have a vote on the Board of Directors. The officers of the NBBA shall perform the usual functions of the office as described in Robert’s Rules of Order in addition to those set forth in these By-Laws. All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, except where otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
Change to:
The officers of the NBBA shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Terms of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary shall be two (2) years commencing at the time of election. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors and shall serve until such time he/she chooses to resign or a majority of the Board of Directors relieves the Treasurer of his/her position. The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio officer and shall have a vote on the Board of Directors. Any person guilty of violation of a major infraction of the code of ethics or bylaws, within the past year, will be ineligible for running for an officer or board of director position for three years. The officers of the NBBA shall perform the usual functions of the office as described in Robert’s Rules of Order in addition to those set forth in these By-Laws. All proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, except where otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
The Officers and Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the membership of the NBBA. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall have one (1) ballot for the full term positions and one (1) ballot, if necessary, for the unexpired term positions. One (1) vote shall be taken, for each member in good standing, for the number of Members-at-Large equal to the number of positions open. The top vote-getters in each category shall be elected to serve in those positions.
Any person guilty of violation of a major infraction of the code of ethics or bylaws, within the past year, will be ineligible for running for an officer or board of director position for three years.
Terms for Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors shall commence upon the culmination of elections.
Proposal #11
Addition to:
Article VII: Standing Committees
Vision Committee:
The President shall appoint a vision committee in order to establish a roster of all members in good standing who meet the criteria of the vision policy prior to any NBBA sanctioned event. At least half of the Vision Committee shall consist of members in good standing who are qualified to interpret vision